When you concentrate, squint or frown, the muscles in your face contract. After years of frequent contraction combined with other environmental and lifestyle factors, lines and wrinkles will form and eventually become permanent. When the muscles in our face move, a message is sent from the brain via nerves to the muscles, instructing them to contract. Anti-wrinkle injectables are a natural protein that works by interrupting this process, leaving those muscles unable to crease the skin.

Are BOTOX® injections right for me?

While they may have made their name through celebrity use, BOTOX® injections are an affordable treatment that anyone can access. Unlike some cosmetic medical treatments, they're suitable for virtually anyone who has wrinkles or other skin lines that they want to remove. This includes people who want to fight the signs of natural ageing, or those who've developed lines from exposure to the sun.

The dosage of botulinum toxin used in this treatment is very small and therefore the risks are minimal. It is generally a safe and effective treatment method. Nevertheless side effects can occur and these usually develop in a few days and may last up to two weeks. It is important to note that sometimes it may take a few weeks for side effects to appear. The potential side effects relate to which area was treated. They can include:

  • Bruising or swelling at the site of the injection.
  • Slight feeling of nausea or headache.
  • Tiredness or pain in the arms and legs.
  • Temporary drooping of the eyebrow or upper eyelid.
  • Brief visual disturbances (double vision).
  • What to think about before your first treatment with BOTOX®?

    It is essential to discuss any concerns you may have with your consultant before consenting to treatment. Be aware that the results from botulinum toxin treatment are not guaranteed, and that they may vary with each individual. Make sure that the following has been thoroughly explained to you:

  • All foreseeable risks of botulinum toxin therapy (see below) and its potential side effects.
  • All contraindications – or the circumstances where botulinum toxin should not be used.
  • What the treatment is, and what to expect during the procedure: the needle used for injecting is very fine and therefore patients experience very little pain – mostly a little sharpness, which is over almost instantly. How you may feel afterwards.

  • It is essential to discuss any concerns you may have with your consultant before consenting to treatment. Be aware that the results from botulinum toxin treatment are not guaranteed, and that they may vary with each individual. Make sure that the following has been thoroughly explained to you:, you can always email us at or call our office (604) 708-8138 at anytime.